Why vote Labour on May 4th?

A Canterbury City Council led by Labour will be a positive difference for our district. We will be a council that listens, co-operates, and develops policy alongside you, rather than in spite of you.

After almost twenty years of Conservative control of the council, you deserve a better way; Labour are that better way. These Conservative decades have hollowed out the spirit, character and fabric of our city, towns, and villages, often leaving us ashamed of the place we once loved. Tory neglect hasn’t been hidden under the shiny façade of expensive vanity projects, nor has it been forgotten when ludicrous ‘dead cat’ proposals are brought to the table. We need to bring about a real and renewed pride in our district; it is only Labour that will do just that.

A new Labour-led Council will follow a greener way: every aspect of decision-making will be underpinned by the need to manage climate change and biodiversity. Canterbury City Council will be carbon neutral by 2030.  To help us do that we will bring together people in a District Climate Commission. Some of Labour’s plans for a greener way include on street recycling, robustly holding water companies to account and a commitment to better insulate as many council homes as possible. Over the years in opposition, Labour has been the loudest, greenest voice here, taking action on a community-level and leading the way along the greener path ahead.

History tells us our congested roads won’t be fixed by building even more roads, so the eastern by-pass and the “city travel zones” are absolutely not part of a Labour future.  But Labour will re-model alternative travel options that include opening Sturry Road Park and Ride, creating a Park and Ride at Whitstable, frequent and cheap municipal hopper buses, safer and more plentiful cycle routes and encouragement – through infrastructure – to travel by foot.

A new Labour Council will also offer a fairer way, creating affordable homes available only to people with genuine local connections and committing to building many more council house, to help those who have been waiting for a secure home for years. Labour proposes to charge double Council Tax on second homes and create a licensing scheme for holiday lets and rented property. We need to be fair to our communities impacted by holiday lets and make sure that our communities thrive – rather than suffer – through tourism.

As a Labour Council we will show leadership, sourcing goods and services locally. We will create a Cost-of-Living Fighting Fund and a Homeless Prevention Fund. We want grants to charities restored to pre-pandemic levels. We want to see our vibrant festivals and events supported properly. Culture, heritage, education and celebration will be a priority.

A Labour Council will be a better, greener, fairer council. We will respect the people, know that we must always listen and respond to the fantastic communities to which we owe so much. A Labour council is a real possibility this election: vote Labour on Thursday 4th May.


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