Mel Dawkins is the current Labour & Cooperative Canterbury City Councillor for St Stephens ward. She works hard dealing with local concerns by providing a listening, caring approach that supports and enables residents to find solutions and resolve issues.
She has been instrumental in setting up a friends’ group in the area to help combat anti-social behaviour on the meadows. She has also helped to set up a local residential community group that facilitates a monthly litter pick, and seasonal social events.Working on issues such as provision of youth services, night safety, community support and air pollution she is passionate about creating a cleaner, greener, safer and more inclusive city.
She was a leader of the successful campaign to save our trees on the High Street.
Mel often represents the community at council and has put forward motions to reinstate a tree officer and sign a fair tax declaration. Her campaign to get drivers to turn off engines while waiting at level crossings and schools is now council policy. She works closely with the university to raise awareness on disposal of waste and also demonstrate how students can get involved with the community.
She wants to continue to combat the issue of fly tipping and waste in the area and will put together a stakeholder group to invest into making the Hackington Place walkway safer and more welcoming.
Mel has worked as teacher in special needs for many years and enjoys playing the guitar and sax in her band MelZebra and the Buffaloes.She is also a Kent County Councillor in Canterbury.